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The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia Revised and Expanded Edition Michael Glazier and Monika K. Hellwig, Editors

The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia Revised and Expanded Edition Michael Glazier and Monika K. Hellwig, Editors

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This authoritative encyclopedia combines a wealth of information with an attractive, easy-to-read format into a reference of value for professionals, parishes, and families alike. A generation has passed since Vatican Council II, and the enthusiasm and euphoria which exhilarated Catholic life in the years that followed the council are misted memories now. The council handed down to us new hopes, new dreams, new challenges; but, above all, it gifted us with a fresh vision of the Church as a pilgrim people. This second edition of The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia gives a succinct and contemporary view to the beliefs, practices, and history of this people.

The council invited us to a fresh appreciation of the gifts passed on to us over the centuries, and this new edition of The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia will help in this task. It is edited for readers in English-speaking countries, drawn together by a common language and by shared pastoral concerns and challenges. Consequently, men and women from America, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and Britain have written this work for a multinational readership. It is a work of and for our time, and its topics and themes have been chosen to meet the inquiries and religious curiosity of people today. It is important to note that for the first time in history the vital center for scriptural and theological studies has shifted from continental Europe to America and the English-speaking world, and it has moved from seminary to the college campus. Furthermore, the sacred sciences are no longer exclusive clerical territory, today many of the most respected scholars are lay men and women. And never before has the study of Scripture become such an accepted and vital part of everyday Catholic life.

This new edition contains many revisions and over 150 new entries. It is edited for quick and easy consultation. Over 1,300 cross-referenced entries cover topics from Abel to Armageddon, from feminism to The Zealots. The Modern Catholic Encyclopedia includes black-and-white maps, drawings, and photographs. Over 200 such illustrations provide valuable visual information and add to the attractiveness of this handsome volume. World, English

New entries:
  Action Française
  Acton, John Emerich
  Adam and Eve
  Adenauer, Konrad
  Alexander VI, Pope
  Antonelli, Giacomo
  Baker, David Augustine
  Barat, Madeleine Sophie
  Barth, Karl
  Bernanos, Georges
  Bernardin, Joseph Louis
  Bethune, Ade
  Birgitta of Sweden, St.
  Brown, Raymond Edward
  Bruno, Giordano
  Bultmann, Rudolf
  Butler, Alban
  Cardijn, Joseph
  Cardinals, Sacred College of
  Carroll, Daniel
  Catholic Charities
  Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
  Celibacy (Clerical)
  Cervantes, Miguel de
  Chaucer, Geoffrey
  Clare of Assisi, St.
  Congar, Yves
  Consulting the Faithful
  Covenant House
  Crucifixion (as Punishment)
  D'Arcy, Martin Cyril
  De Foucauld, Charles
  De Gasperi, Alcide
  De Gaulle, Charles
  De Mello, Anthony
  Deposit of Faith
  Diekmann, Godfrey Leo
  Discernment of Spirits
  Dominicans, Third Order
  Enlightenment, The
  Ex Corde Ecclesiae
  First Things
  Focolare Movement
  Franco, Francisco
  Freemantle, Ann
  Galgani, Gemma
  Garcés, Francisco
  Girls and Boys Town
  Girotti, Guiseppe
  Glynn, Tony
  Gorres, Johann
  Griffiths, Bede
  Guinness, Alec
  Han Mac Tu
  Häring, Bernard
  Hildebrand, Dietrich von
  Hildegard of Bingen
  Hispanic Catholics (U.S.A.)
  Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph
  Howell, Clifford
  Hoyt, Robert G.
  Hume, Basil, Cardinal
  Illich, Ivan
  Inquisition(s), The
  Japan, Church in
  Joan of Arc
  John Paul II, Pope
  John Paul II, Pope, Social Teaching of
  Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
  Kim Dinh
  King James Bible
  Kitahara, Satoko
  Knights of Labor
  La Pira, Georgio
  Labre, Benedict Joseph, St.
  Lacugna, Catherine Mowry
  Levertov, Denise
  MacEoin, Gary
  Machiavelli, Niccolo
  McCormick, Richard A.
  Martindale, Cyril
  Marx, Michael Joseph
  Mauriac, François Charles
  Maurin, Peter
  Mexico, Catholic Church in
  Mother Angelica
  Mother Teresa of Calcutta
  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
  Muggeridge, Malcolm
  Nagai, Takashi
  Nantes, Edict of
  National Catholic Reporter
  Nguyen, Truong To
  Nguyen, Van Thuan
  Nouwen, Henri
  O’Connor, John
  Oxford Movement
  Pacem in Terris
  Pakenham, Peter
  Percy, Walker
  Poor Clares
  Pope, Election of
  Prayer of St. Francis
  Qu’ran, The
  Reinhold, Hans Anscar
  Renan, Joseph Ernest
  Rerum Novarum
  Rice School of Pastoral Ministry
  Roman Curia
  Sensus Fidelium
  Serenity Prayer, The
  Serra, Junípero
  Shepherd of Hermas
  Shroud of Turin
  Spiritual Direction
  Stewart, George Craig
  Stuhlmueller, Carrol
  Suenens, Leon Joseph
  Tegels, Aelred Hilary
  Tertullian, Quintas Septimus
  Thurston, Herbπert
  Tillard, Jean-Marie Roger
  Undset, Singrid
  Valignano, Alessandro
  Vietnam, The Catholic Church in
  Voice of the Faithful
  Vonier, Anschaire
  Wailing Wall
  Wolff, Madaleva
  Women’s Ordination
  Zealots, The
  Zebrowski, Zeno
  Zechariah, Father of John the Baptist

Michael Glazier, formerly publisher of Michael Glazier, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware, has also co-edited The Encyclopedia of American Catholic History for Liturgical Press.

Monika K. Hellwig, LLB, PhD, is president of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities. Formerly the Landegger Professor of Theology at Georgetown University, she is also a lecturer and writer in Catholic theology and interfaith studies.


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