The uniquely made Green scapular, includes mini beautiful Benedictine medal, and a tiny crucifix. The holy medals and green scapular are attached to an elastic cord for more durability in helping it resist snapping, and wool made. (Now comes with a miraculous medal and available soon miraculous medal with the golden globe as originally intended.)
"Make and distribute my green scapular as soon as possible, if given with confidence, there will be a great number of sinners converted, especially those souls who do not possess the true religion. They will receive many graces, to help them in finding and keeping the one true faith. Those who die wearing my sacramental green garment, will be given a peaceful and happy death, and shall not suffer the eternal fires of hell.
Furthermore, I shall Bless on Earth, every heart who makes my green heart scapular necklace, wear it or spreads devotion to it, for it is My Immaculate Heart, therefore treat it with profound honor and respect. In addition all who wear or keep about themselves my green scapular badge, are agents of my Immaculate Heart. Hence the evil one is powerless to harm those souls who clothe themselves in my love."
"Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death."
This is the most beautiful and efficacious prayer of the Green Scapular heart necklace or more accurately Badge of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of Jesus granted to the whole world as an extraordinary pledge of Salvation. Mary has pledged to come to the aid of any soul places confidence, in the Green heart Scapular necklace of her Immaculate Heart; promising the greatest graces of divine remedy to heal every spiritual illness of the soul, which by far is the most important of eternal life, Secondly, and quite favorably, her green badge has outwardly been shown to bring about miraculous physical cures.
On September 8, 1840; Feast of Mary's Nativity, The Mother of God appeared in a brilliant apparition to a French nun, Sister Justine Bisqueyburu, of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. The apparition took place in the convent chapel at 140 Rue De Bac in Paris, France. Sister Justine was thus favored:
During her appearance the Mother of God was all resplendent. She was clothed in a white gown; the hem of which fell to her bare feet. Over her white dress, Mary was adorned in a beautiful flowing, light blue mantel with no veil upon her head. Her hair hung loosely, cascading about her, while her hands emanated rays of divine graces, like transparent light, to the hem of her mantle. In her right hand, she held, her Immaculate Heart pierced by the sword of sorrow. "And thy own soul a sword shall pierce." Luke chapter 2 verse 35. While her maternal heart wept copious drops of her Immaculate blood, abundant flames gushed upward, surmounted by a golden cross. In her left hand she held out a rectangular green scapular, that looked more like a cloth medallion, suspended and hanging from a green string. In like manner, the scapular that sister Justine beheld in the Mother of God's hand, comprised two pictures:
On one side, a vivid portrayal of the Blessed Virgin's likeness as she appeared and, on the reverse an image of Mary's Sorrowful Immaculate Heart necklace, encircled and inscribed in white lettering is this very reverent prayer:
"Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us, now at the hour of our death."
At that moment, as Sister Justine's eyes beheld the Blessed Virgin before her, she heard the Mother of God speak to her by way of an interior Voice and understood.
"Make and distribute my green heart scapular necklace as soon as possible, if given with confidence, there will be a great number of sinners converted, especially those souls who do not possess the true religion. They will receive many graces, to help them in finding and keeping the one true faith. Those who die wearing my sacramental green garment, will be given a peaceful and happy death, and shall not suffer the eternal fires of hell.
Furthermore, I shall Bless on Earth, every heart who makes my green heart scapular wear it or spreads devotion to it, for it is My Immaculate Heart, therefore treat it with profound honor and respect. In addition all who wear or keep about themselves my green scapular badge, are agents of my Immaculate Heart.' Green heart scapular'. Hence the evil one is powerless to harm those souls who clothe themselves in my love."
The green heart scapular badge, unlike other scapulars, is not a habit of a religious order or confraternity. As such no special formula or ritual prayers is necessary to bless it. So there can be no question of imposing it on any unfortunate sinners or infidels, who do not posses the knowledge of the true faith. Consequently, it shall suffice to be blessed by a priest to obtain the Blessed Virgin's Pledge of Salvation.
For obstinate souls the green scapular badge may be placed unknown to them in their car, place of work, home, clothing, and as some suggest in the bedroom and where they sleep. However, keep in mind those souls, who are not inclined to pious prayer. Our Sovereign Queen has generously given us a sure means of helping her secure the salvation these souls, and rending them from the adversary, and dangers of hell. Keep in mind the giver or someone must recite the prayer which encircles Mary's Sorrowful Immaculate Heart. The prayer must be recited with complete confidence often, or at least once daily, on behalf and in defense of the soul who receive Mary's sublime grace of graces, eternal salvation. In view of these facts carefully consider how the Mother of God implores us to help her in the conversion of sinners. This is entirely in keeping with the Holy Epistle of Saint James the Apostle; Chapter 5; Verse 19-20;
"If anyone among you should stray from the truth and someone bring him back, he should know that whoever brings back a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sin."
Our Lady of the Green heart Scapular necklace, who is mediatrix of all graces of her Divine Son. Possesses a deep heartfelt love for the salvation of all her children the world over. For Her Immaculate Heart, there is no greater endeavor, or labor of love, which can ever be long for, than the certitude of conversion of sinners and their eternal salvation. Indeed the giver as well as the one who receives the green scapular is doubly blessed.
Approbation for this sacramental, the Green Scapular heart necklace of Mary's Immaculate Heart was Granted by the highest echelons of the Christian world, Pope Pius IX in 1863 and again in 1870. The self same Pope who proclaimed the dogma in 1854 that Mary, the Mother of God, is the Immaculate Conception. It was Father Borgogno the Procurator General of the Congregation of the Mission at the Holy see, who presented it ti the Holy Father. After close examination, he said; "This is a very beautiful and pious picture." He then gave his blessing and full permission for the green heart scapular necklace to be made and distributed. Furthermore, Pope Pius XI, (1922-1939) always kept on his desk a Green Scapular side by side with the famous miraculous medal of Immaculate Conception.
Seventy-seven years after Mary appeared to Sister Justine Bisqueyburu with the Green Scapular of Her Immaculate Heart, Our Lady of the Rosary at Fatima on June 13, 1917, once again requested devotion to Her Immaculate Heart with the same assurance."To save souls. God wishes to establish in the world devotion to my Immaculate Heart; To whomever embraces this devotion, I promise Salvation. Those souls will be cherished by God, as flowers placed by me to adorn his throne."
The wearing or carrying the Green necklace Scapular necklace badge of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the recitation of her prayer, is one of the most powerful sacraments for the salvation of souls and honoring the Queen of Heaven
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