The Lord's Prayer Morse Code Prayer Rope
The Lord's Prayer Morse Code Prayer Rope
qua and topaz 3mm crystals, silver dipped bugle beads, two scapular medals, 52" rope with a 2" extender. The Lord's Prayer Morse Code Prayer Rope can be worn as a single or double strand necklace or as a wrap bracelet. The Lord's Prayer Morse Code Prayer Rope comes in a box with an inspirational card.
Ancient Christian tradition has a deep appreciation for the power of a symbol. An entire story can be packed into a single simple mark or object. Wear this prayer rope as your symbol of peace, knowing that the Our Father Prayer has been encoded using aqua crystals as the dots in Morse Code and topaz beads as the dashes. May you be wrapped in ancient tradition as you live each day building thy Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
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